He tells her not to touch him, unless she’s basically about to fall on her face. When he rejoins the fiancée outside his office, she reaches up to take his arm, and he stops her in mid-air. He knocks her down a peg, making it seem ridiculous that he would choose to marry because of her, and leaves her believing the same. She’s no dummy, and asks straight out if he’s getting married to avoid her. She wonders what he sees, and he simply calls it the thing he’s afraid of, as much as she’s afraid of ghosts. He looks at her and mutters, “What secret? I can see it all.” She just looks up with her puppy eyes: “Are you really getting married?” He thinks back to ghost wife asking him if he didn’t want to know how Gong-shil felt about him. What, you can’t say stuff like that after bringing home a fiancée! He finally decides to turn back and asks how she was for a week, admitting that it was death for him. Joong-won tells her to stop looking back and hurry up, because it’s killing him. He squarely ignores her, and it’s the fiancée who asks about the strange employee who keeps watching them as they walk away.

Gong-shil picks up her sun necklace from the trashcan ghost just in time to run and meet Joong-won as he returns from his business trip… with a brand new bride-to-be at his side (played by dramaland fiancée specialist Seo Hyo-rim). You also need to have JavaScript enabled in your browser. Because that’s what happens when you close your eyes and pretend you don’t see the thing that’s staring you in the face, be it animal or mineral, dead or alive, love or hate.Īudio clip: Adobe Flash Player (version 9 or above) is required to play this audio clip. Our couple spends the hour circling around the giant pink elephant-er, dinosaur-in the room, and tossing out all manner of strange ways in which to keep their relationship the same… despite the fact that they each know it will never be the same. 487 SeptemJanuMaster’s Sun: Episode 10 by girlfriday